Saturday, January 23, 2010

Driving, Walking and the Duomo

As I said in my last post- I just had to cover the different driving rules here. Imagine when you first step into Milan, you take a taxi, and as you are sitting in the taxi- the scene is something like this:

Basically, oncoming traffic drives much closer to you than traffic that is going in the same direction as you. In fact, traffic going in the same direction is separated by a median. And if you need to take a left or right turn, and you happen to be in the wrong lane; it doesn't matter! Feel free to take that right while in the left lane and traffic is driving straight in the right lane or vice versa. Even better, do it at the same time! Not only does this make for a crazy riding experience, it makes me appreciate the fact that I do NOT have to drive here.

Moreover, you can't forget about parking! While I can't find an image that describes what I am saying- let me just say that sidewalks are free range for parking.

Similarly, walking is its own art form here. Between the cobblestone streets and many grated sidewalks, I'm surprised more people don't break their ankles.

Last, but not least- a gorgeous picture of the Duomo taken by Lena, my roommate. It looks photoshopped, but it isn't. More pictures of it to come tomorrow when we go back during the day. There should also be a picture of the piano key steps that lead down to the metro.

P.S.- Yes, I know I keep saying that an itinerary will go up, but we are very dependent on our budget. So let me just say, I will put it up as soon as possible. Ciao!


  1. You should driving at least once, just to get a feel for it.

  2. haha- it may be the last time i go driving at all =P
